- 裝修風格:中式裝修
- 裝修類型:二手房裝修
- 裝修程度:簡裝修
- 所在城市:上海
- 小區地址:康士路1號
- 建筑年代:2009
- 建筑類型:
[小區介紹]:瑞景商務苑房屋性質為商務住宅,由6幢8-9層高品質樓宇組成,北歐簡約建筑設計風格,總建筑面積17939.89平方,商業面積2249.23平方。瑞景商務苑地處浦東外環和中環之間,交通便捷,商務生活購物及其方便。瑞景自我獨創的皇家管家物業管理模式為每一位財富首腦提供最為全面的服務。 瑞景商務苑旨在打造一個現代型、人文型的“康橋商務新天地”,同時竭力為成功人士、商務人士提供最為完美的辦公商務平臺。此外瑞景商務苑周邊,特色餐飲、休閑娛樂、賓館酒店、電子商務等一應俱全。 Ruijing Commerce Center is a serviced apartment in a simple north European style, consisting of 6 high quality buildings with average 8-9 floors. Its total building area comes to 17939.89sqm, and the commercial space comes to 2249.23sqm. Ruijing Commerce Center locates in between Pudong outer ring and middle ring, and hence saves you from the troubles of transportation, living and shopping. With its unique Royal Property Management, Ruijing provides the most comprehensive service to every honorable owner. Ruijing Commerce Center, aiming at founding a modern and cultural "Kangqiao Business New World", endeavors to provide a perfect business operation platform for the success men and the businessmen. Besides, you can get easy access to characteristic catering, recreation and entertainment, hotels and E-commerce here around Ruijing Commerce Center.